The State Duma approved in the first reading the increase in taxes for the oil and gas sector

MOSCOW, 18 Oct — PRIME. The State Duma adopted in the first reading a budget-forming bill that will increase the tax burden on the gas and oil industries in 2023-2025 to provide additional federal budget revenues.

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The document submitted by the Russian government provides for an additional withdrawal from Gazprom in 2023-2025 of 50 billion rubles a month, that is, a total of 1.8 trillion rubles. It also provides for an adjustment from July 1, 2023, of the tax rate when calculating the MET for natural gas.

According to the calculations of the Cabinet of Ministers, in total these measures will increase gas MET revenues for three years by 2.078 trillion rubles: in 2023 by 628.3 billion rubles, in 2024 – by 699.9 billion, in 2025 – by 749.6 billion.

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And the income tax for exporters of liquefied natural gas in 2023-2025 is increased to 32%, which will increase federal budget revenues in 2023 by 200 billion rubles. By the second reading, it is planned to discuss the possibility of an even greater increase in the rate of this tax. The government is discussing the possibility of increasing the rate to 34%, Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Sazanov said last week.

In addition, an increase in the tax burden on oil-producing organizations is envisaged. This will increase budget revenues from the mineral extraction tax on oil in 2023 and 2025 by 208 billion rubles a year, and in 2024 by 213 billion, that is, by 629 billion rubles in three years.

And a temporary increase (from January 1 to March 31, 2023) of MET rates by 380 rubles per ton for all grades of coal, except brown, will additionally give the budget about 30 billion rubles.

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At the same time, the document provides for the preservation of the price discount when determining the damper for motor gasoline until the end of 2025. This will reduce federal budget spending on providing a damper for crude oil by 212 billion rubles in 2023, by 221 billion in 2024, and by 229 billion in 2025.