The State Duma proposed an incentive for citizens in the fight against telephone spam

MOSCOW, 19 Oct – PRIME. The State Duma proposed to transfer 50 percent of the amount of the fine imposed for telephone spam to plaintiffs – citizens who detected a violation, RT reports.

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Deputy Yevgeny Fedorov came up with the corresponding initiative. He sent a letter to the head of the FAS Russia Maxim Shaskolsky.

According to the parliamentarian, in accordance with the legislation in Russia, it is forbidden to distribute advertising using telecommunication networks, including by telephone, without the consent of the subscriber or addressee to receive such information.

For violation, fines are provided, up to 500 thousand rubles in relation to legal entities. At the same time, the amounts of administrative fines are credited to the federal, regional or municipal budget.

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At the same time, the legislator noted that a citizen who discovered a violation of the law on advertising, filed an application with the court, and spent his personal time, cannot now claim the amount or part of the amount of the imposed administrative fine.

“In this regard, I ask you to consider the advisability of amending federal legislation in terms of creating a financial incentive for citizens who decide to initiate legal proceedings on the fact of violation of advertising legislation, namely, to provide for the right of the plaintiff to receive 50% of the amount of the administrative fine imposed respondent,” the statement said.