“The United States Should Become a Global Leader in the Crypto Asset Industry”

The United States Should Become a Global Leader in the Crypto Asset Industry

Heath Tarbert, Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), said the United States should become a leader in the global cryptocurrency market.

According to publication
Law 360, Tarbert believes that the country’s financial authorities and the US Congress should consider simplifying the regulatory framework for digital assets in America. Speaking at the conference, the chairman said that the United States should lead the “blockchain race”:

“I think America should lead in this area. You see that other countries are starting to invade this industry. As the head of the regulatory body, I want to create a system in which innovation can thrive, and if any risks arise, we can deal with them. ”

Chairman Tarbert emphasized the confusing nature of cryptocurrency regulation in the United States as one of the industry’s main problems. According to Tarbert, all relevant agencies should work together to create a more streamlined regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies in the United States. The CFTC Chair pointed to several bills submitted to lawmakers as important steps in this process.

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According to Tarbert, the US Congress has a key role to play in deciding whether federal or regional guidelines should influence cryptocurrency regulation in the country.

Recently it became known that the US Congress is considering
bill on the transfer of CFTC control over cryptocurrency derivatives. Recently, the CFTC, along with other US regulators, joined the global sandbox for fintech companies, and before that, the Commission announced the modernization of its fintech research unit.