There are fewer vacancies for beginner IT-specialists in Russia since February

MOSCOW, Sep 23 — PRIME. Vacancies for entry-level IT specialists in Russia decreased by 62% compared to February, and their average salary in Moscow decreased by 4-7%, follows from the SuperJob study, the results of which are available from RIA Novosti.

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“Vacancies for entry-level IT-specialists decreased by 62% compared to February. The average market salary offers for junior-specialists in Moscow decreased by 4-7%,” the study says.

It is noted that IT is still in first place in terms of wage growth. Average market salary offers of vacancies in the field of information technology in 2022 are growing faster than the consumer price index. From March to August, the salaries of IT specialists increased by 10%, and compared to August 2021, by 19.1%. Whereas from March to August 2021, the income of programmers increased by 11.9%, and in comparison with August 2020 – by 26.3%.

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“The average market salaries (medians) of a number of IT specialists, such as testers, designers, layout designers, have indeed decreased somewhat compared to March due to a decrease in the salaries of entry-level specialists. But this trend has not affected the salaries of developers – the median salaries programmers are not declining, but continue to grow in a number of positions. The most demanded in the labor market are programmers with development experience of 3 years or more,” said Natalya Golovanova, head of the SuperJob Research Center, whose words are quoted in the message.