This American presidential candidate is pro bitcoin and blockchain

This American presidential candidate is pro bitcoin and blockchain

Andrew Yang is a presidential candidate of the Democratic Party. He is only too happy to take on Donald Trump, the current American president. And should it come to that, that can be good news for us crypto enthusiasts.

America’s presidential race

American citizens can vote for a new president every four years. That president almost always represents one of the two largest parties, the Democrats or the Republicans. Because the republicans have the current president in their ranks, the democratic party has to go through a long list of candidates. At present there are more than twenty candidates to take on the current president.

Basic income as the main point of discussion

One of the candidates is the progressive Bitcoin enthusiast and entrepreneur, Andrew Yang. Yang is an eloquent, calm candidate with a clear focus on economic well-being. His most important flagship is to give every American citizen free money, a thousand dollars a month.

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He calls this the Freedom Dividend, we call this the basic income. He expects this to stimulate the economy because it ensures that people are helped in their basic necessities. In this way, they ultimately spend more money on goods and services.

Thank you Elon – this means a great deal. Congrats on building the future. ??

– Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) August 10, 2019

Benefits of bitcoin

All nice and nice, but Yang is currently also the only candidate who actively promotes and supports cryptocurrency. He regularly talks about the benefits of bitcoin and even accepts cryptocurrency as a donation for his presidential race.

Crypto Joe interviewed him yesterday about cryptocurrency, the presidential race and his Freedom Dividend.

Yang mainly talks about the presidential race, but he also talks about technology and blockchain. Yang wants to move forward with America and therefore finds Donald Trump’s slogan ridiculous: “Make America Great Again.”

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Blockchain is current oil

He also makes the comparison between technology and oil. For example, the ecosystems of entire countries are built around their ability to supply and sell oil around the world. Technology is the modern variant of this raw material. In short, countries should focus on building technology-based businesses as a means.

One of those technologies that according to Yang must conquer the world is blockchain. He also gave an example of this, namely the need for young generations to be able to cast their vote via an app on the blockchain.