Thousands of protesters in Berlin demanded the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions

BERLIN, 8 Oct – PRIME. Thousands of demonstrators gathered on Saturday in front of the Bundestag in Berlin to protest against the policies of the German authorities, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported. The journalist noted that the protesters demand the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions and access to cheap energy from Russia.

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The organizer of the event is the opposition right-wing party Alternative for Germany (AfD). The participants put forward the slogan: “our country is above all.”

They are dissatisfied with the “explosive” prices, the social policy of the German authorities and demand the resumption of cheap energy supplies from Russia.

Many demonstrators came with German and Russian flags. The posters say “I want Russian gas and oil”, “those who are silent today will freeze tomorrow”, there are also calls for the resignation of the government. Some participants have Russian inscriptions on the posters, for example, “peace and friendship with Russia.”

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Earlier, the AfD announced the start of a protest campaign from September this year, the participants of which will express their dissatisfaction with high energy prices, demonstrations will be held throughout the country on Mondays under the slogan “Hot autumn instead of cold feet – our country is above all.” The protesters demand that the government end the economic war, cancel gas fees and stop anti-Russian sanctions. Among the demands of the demonstrators is to launch Nord Stream 2.

As part of this campaign, the AfD organized a large nationwide rally in Berlin on Saturday, which the party announced earlier will bring together people from all over the country.