Trump criticizes Biden for Washington’s “pleas” for oil production

MOSCOW, 6 Oct — PRIME. Former US leader Donald Trump has criticized the administration of current President Joe Biden for asking the US to other countries to produce oil.

OPEC+ decides to cut production again

“What they (the administration of President Joe Biden) are doing is just crazy. We are begging Venezuela, we are begging Saudi Arabia, we are begging everyone for oil when we have more under our feet than anyone else,” — he said, speaking at a conference in Miami.

According to the ex-president of the United States, the White House should focus on the extraction of “black gold” in the country, and not on ensuring the import of raw materials.

Trump added that the current government is destroying the “American dream.” “The world is laughing at us, looking at us with derision,” he stressed.

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OPEC+, following a meeting held on Wednesday, agreed to cut oil production by two million barrels per day from November, and will take production levels agreed upon for August as a base of reference. The alliance explained its decision by uncertainties around the global economy and forecasts for the oil market.

According to CNN, the Biden administration tried to dissuade OPEC members from lowering crude oil production.