Turkey told why the Middle East will not save the EU from freezing

MOSCOW, 13 Oct – PRIME. The European Union, trying to find a way out of the energy crisis, turned to the countries of the Middle East for help, but it will not help the Europeans meet their demand for energy, writes Anadolu.

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“The countries of the Persian Gulf, with the exception of Qatar, have recently faced problems in meeting their own growing demand for blue fuel. They even resort to importing gas, which is then subject to liquefaction and re-export to other markets,” the text of the article explains.

Qatar, which is in third place in terms of gas reserves, gives Europe only 60,000 cubic meters per day, although Europe needs a billion. The reason is that 90% of exports go to India, China, Pakistan and South Korea.

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However, as the publication estimated, comparing the level of production in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and other states of the region, only Qatar can increase supplies to Europe.