UNICEF launches cryptocurrency fund to accept donations in BTC and ETH

UNICEF launches cryptocurrency fund to accept donations in BTC and ETH

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has launched a cryptocurrency fund to receive, store and distribute donations to BTC and ETH.

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has launched a cryptocurrency fund to receive, store and distribute donations to BTC and ETH.

UNICEF said that for the first time for UN organizations, donations in crypto assets will go to the cryptocurrency fund and then will be distributed in the same form – digital currency.

The first contributions to the UNICEF cryptocurrency fund came from the Ethereum Foundation and “will go to finance three UNICEF Innovation Fund grant recipients – Prescrypto, Atix Labs and Utopixar.”

Ethereum Foundation CEO Aya Miyaguchi told in his speech at Devcon, that 100 ETH (about $ 18,000 at current exchange rate) were sent to UNICEF as part of a new partnership.

“This is a new and exciting initiative for UNICEF,” said fund director Henrietta Fore. “If the digital economy and currency can change the lives of future generations, it is important that we explore the opportunities that they offer.”

“Together with the launch of the UNICEF cryptocurrency fund, we are taking steps to improve access to basic needs, rights and resources,” Miyaguchi added.

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Recall that earlier this year UNICEF held talks with the Kyrgyz government on the use of blockchain to provide schools with Internet access through the Project Connect initiative.

In addition, last year, UNICEF allocated $ 100,000 to finance six blockchain companies that will work to solve global problems using blockchain technology.