US says it’s helping to supply Europe with gas

WASHINGTON, Sep 6 – PRIME The United States is helping its European allies ensure sufficient gas supplies amid the shutdown of fuel supplies through the Nord Stream gas pipeline, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Tuesday.

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“The US and Europe are working together to ensure that there are sufficient gas supplies. The gas shortage in Europe will be filled by winter, so we have something to work on. But, again, we are working closely with our European allies on this issue,” she said. Jean Pierre.

Gazprom said on Friday that the Nord Stream gas pipeline, previously shut down for three days for scheduled maintenance, could not resume operation due to an oil leak at the only running Trent 60 unit. Nord Stream downtime deprives Europe of up to 33 million cubic meters of gas per day, or approximately 1 billion cubic meters per month. Such losses are superimposed on the previous reduction in supplies from Russia via Nord Stream and other routes by at least 8-9 billion cubic meters per month.

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Nord Stream has been operating with restrictions since mid-June, and since the end of July, it has been operating at only 20% of its nearly 170 million cubic meters of capacity per day. The Russian side emphasized that the decline in supplies was due solely to international sanctions, which caused problems with the maintenance and repair of Siemens gas pumping units. Recently, only one turbine provided work.