What do Poles know about dietary supplements? The Polish brand OSAVI decided to check it out

What do Poles know about dietary supplements?  The Polish brand OSAVI decided to check it out

Thanks to the latest report “Poles and dietary supplements. Knowledge and awareness ”prepared by the Polish brand OSAVI, we can find out what the knowledge of Poles looks like when it comes to dietary supplements, their use and effectiveness.

Over 80 percent Poles consider dietary supplements to be effective, but every third person does not know how they differ from drugs

The first OSAVi report showed that two out of three Poles take dietary supplements, most often vitamin and mineral preparations. Every fourth respondent also indicated that he is now taking more supplements than a year ago. The latest report, prepared on the basis of a survey conducted on a representative group of Poles, deals with the level of knowledge and awareness of our compatriots about supplementation.

The report showed that three out of four respondents regularly take dietary supplements, and nearly half of the respondents (42.5%) do so without consulting a doctor. Interestingly, the respondents most often consult a pharmacist (20%) and the least frequently – a dietitian (4%). Alternating consultations with a doctor, pharmacist and dietitian are declared by 15.9 percent. respondents.

We are concerned about the fact that so many Poles take dietary supplements without consulting a specialist. It is important for us to consciously approach supplementing our daily diet. Perhaps over time, it will change the pharmaceutical care system introduced in our country, the assumption of which is easy and direct access to pharmacist’s advice for each person, also in order to adjust the appropriate dietary supplementation. This allows you to avoid the need to make an appointment or bear its costs, which makes such consultations much more accessible and (hopefully) will be willingly used

comments Maciej Jaskólski, OSAVI Product Development Director.

Nearly two out of three Poles know what the difference between a drug and a supplement is. At the same time, however, almost of respondents admit that they have only limited knowledge about the differences between these preparations. Almost 75 percent of respondents know how the drugs they take work, but in the case of approx. 25% of the respondents this knowledge is limited. Interestingly, it turns out that more respondents consider supplements to be partially tested products (48.8%) than to be as well-tested as drugs (40.8%).

Knowledge about them is most often obtained from the Internet (44.1% of respondents) or directly from a pharmacist or dietitian (41.7%).

The results of the study show us the importance of online content for consumers, also when it comes to dietary supplements. Soon, a questionnaire will be available on the OSAVI website, allowing to adjust the preparations to individual needs. It will take into account many factors, such as diet, illnesses and medications you are taking. It will help you choose a supplement not only tailored to your personal needs, but also exclude possible interactions between substances. It will also take into account individual preferences regarding the form of the supplement taken, because in the Osavi assortment we offer innovative formulas of gummies or oral sprays.

says Armand Przygodzki, CEO of OSAVI.

Two out of three respondents expect dietary supplements to increase immunity and improve health. Nearly 40 percent of the respondents count on improving or maintaining their well-being. It turns out that 37.1 percent. expects from supplements to improve the appearance, and 13.7 percent. – weight loss. Four out of five respondents consider the supplements to be effective. Interestingly, every eighth respondent does not perceive their actions as either effective or ineffective, but only 1.6 percent. of respondents believe the supplements are ineffective.

The results of the study show that educating Poles about supplementation is essential. Our goal is to build consumers’ awareness of the importance of the composition of supplements they take and to dispel doubts about their quality. Therefore, we focus on transparency, all batches of our products are subjected to independent laboratory tests

sums up Armand Przygodzki, CEO of OSAVI.