When will we be finished with Justin Sun from TRON and BitTorrent?

When will we be finished with Justin Sun from TRON and BitTorrent

Justin Sun, founder of TRON and CEO of BitTorrent, recently came under fire for canceling his lunch with billionaire Warren Buffett. He won this lunch by donating more than four million dollars to a charity.

The expectations were high, because Warren Buffett is a distinct no-coiner. When Sun canceled lunch because of kidney stones, many had doubts about his excuse.

What is his contribution?

Sun is also in the spotlight for his alleged involvement in a Ponzi scam, which has led to fierce protests at a TRON office. According to Adam James of BeinCrypto.com, these are bad examples that illustrate that Justin Sun actually adds very little, but mostly barks a lot.

Let’s be real for a moment. Justin Sun has done very little for the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, apart from unceasing marketing of himself and his projects on social media. TRON has barely proven to be able to do anything, apart from some gambling games, and seems very far away from contributing to the new internet.

James starts at the beginning, the white paper. Sun was already accused of plagiarism at the time of publication. And not by the least people, even Vitalik Buterin makes fun of TRON.

8. Better white paper writing capability (Ctrl + C + Ctrl + V much higher efficiency than keyboard typing new content)

– Vitalik Non-giver or Ether (@VitalikButerin) April 6, 2018

Social media spam

Despite the criticism, Sun began to spam social media daily with marketing for TRON. James about this:

It is now the end of July 2019 and TRON has made no progress. Okay, they have a mainnet, which many worthless altcoins have, and they have taken over BitTorrent. But the latter is really just a matter of writing a check.

Oh yes, and TRON pulled the controversial stablecoin Tether, to its blockchain. This was reason for Sun to give a Tesla away, but even that he ruined and some insiders suggest that this was more or less an attempt at money laundering.

To celebrate #BTT & #USDT#TRON success, I am planning a $ 20m free cash airdrop. Good news-it’s coming, bad news-I may decide to give away more! First, I will randomly pick 1 winner for a #Tesla up until 3/27! To apply, follow me and RT this tweet! Simple! #Blockchain pic.twitter.com/wFyzwtB3ur

– Justin Sun (@justinsuntron) March 12, 2019

TRON is about Justin Sun.

His face can be seen on almost every advertisement from TRON. The columnist therefore wonders whether TRON is really about decentralization and the next generation of internet, or whether TRON is about Justin Sun.

What is obvious is that the man really loves himself.

You can read his full tirade about Justin Sun here. He also discusses the course and why the lunch between Sun and Buffett shouldn’t interest anyone at all.

It is painfully clear that from day one, Justin Sun is only supported by proof-of-shill, a group that benefits from a higher market value of TRON and bots on Twitter.