White Hat Hackers and HKN on Blockchain VeChain

White Hat Hackers and HKN on Blockchain VeChain

Bug bounty platform HackenProof and their associated ERC20 tokens HKN have switched to the VeChainThor blockchain.

Hacking for a good cause

HackenProof is a collective of around two thousand hackers. They call themselves white hat hackers. A white hat hacker is sometimes called an ethical hacker. Their intentions are good, because they are looking for security leaks in software. A white hat hacker has permission from the owner of the website, the web store or the computer system to detect a data breach. HackenProof therefore mainly consists of cyber security specialists.

According to the Deloitte 2019 Global Blockchain Survey (pdf), cyber security risks are major obstacles to the worldwide acceptance of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. So there is certainly a demand for the services of HackenProof.

Hacking at the highest level

HackenProof explains their partnership with VeChain in an extensive post on Medium.

Over the past two years, the Hackenproof Bug Bounty Platform of the Hacken team has protected more than 200 companies and projects. We do this with a team of world-class white hat hackers. Parties such as the US Department of Defense, AirAsia and TradingView belong to our circle. We are also the only cyber security partner of the Data Accountability & Transparency Alliance (DATA).

DATA is an alliance co-founded by Coinmarketcap.com. This group consists of 23 important cryptocurrency exchanges and Hacken is above that as a strategic security partner.

Choice fallen on VeChain

The Hacken team says that many projects decide to build their own blockchain. But due to a lack of skilled developers, this can lead to a huge number of hacking attacks because the security protocols are not strong enough. The company says they chose VeChainThor because of the superior security, technology and growing ecosystem of real-world sellers.

All blockchain-related operations, including transactions, storage, smart contract developments and token minting, will all be done on the VeChainThor blockchain.

DNV GL, PWC, Deloitte and many other companies are actively working together with VeChain in the pursuit of mass acceptance of blockchain. We have the same goal. And it helps if companies of that caliber, where professionalism and reliability are important, attach their name to it.

In retrospect, the choice for VeChain is not at all surprising. Hacken was a security auditor of the VeChainThor blockchain protocol. Parts of the core team from Hacken and VeChain have also worked at Deloitte and PwC, so they have known each other for some time. They themselves say that they thereby share the same values ​​and ethical principles.

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The HKN token has been in existence since January 2018. Then one HKN was worth more than $ 7. The current value is 23 cents according to Coinmarketcap.com. HKN is traded on the KuCoin stock exchange, but you need bitcoin or ether for that. Do you want HKN? Then first buy bitcoin or ether.

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