“Yandex” will increase the reward for the discovery of vulnerabilities in its system

MOSCOW, 20 Sep — PRIME. “Yandex” will increase the reward for vulnerabilities found in the company’s system by ten times, the maximum payment will be 7.5 million rubles, the company said.

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“In honor of the 10th anniversary of the Bug Hunt program, Yandex will increase the reward by 10 times for ethical hackers who can find vulnerabilities in the company’s services and infrastructure. The maximum payment for a vulnerability will be 7.5 million rubles, the competition with an increased reward will be valid up to 20 October,” the statement said.

Yandex recalled that “Bug Hunt” is the company’s ongoing program to reward ethical hackers, that is, those who understand computer security, find vulnerabilities in IT companies’ products and inform them about it for a reward. The program was first launched in 2012.

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“It helps to strengthen the protection of services: every year hunters find fewer bugs and it becomes more and more difficult to do this. Such hunting is a standard practice for IT companies, which allows them to find bugs in constantly updated products. Since 2012, about 4,500 researchers who reported more than 16,000 vulnerabilities found,” Yandex said.