Zakharova called Denmark’s position on Nord Stream illegal

MOSCOW, 4 Oct — PRIME. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, called Denmark’s position on the terrorist attacks on the Nord Streams disgusting and illegal.

Germany, Denmark and Sweden will jointly investigate the emergency at Nord Stream

“The nasty and illegal position in connection with the explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines is taken by the Danish authorities, in whose exclusive economic zone, near the island of Bornholm, a sabotage was carried out on the night of September 26,” — wrote Zakharova in the Telegram channel.

According to her, Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod “instructed his representatives in New York to refuse to participate in a special meeting of the UN Security Council convened by Russia on September 30,” which was supposed to discuss the situation in detail. The minister, Zakharova noted, explained this non-participation by the fact that Russia is allegedly trying to “set the course for the discussion of sabotage … and divert attention from the events in Ukraine.”

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“The Danish minister went so far as to accuse the Russian side of ‘spreading false information about the West’s alleged involvement in blowing up gas pipelines.’ In addition, he announced the government’s determination to refuse Russia’s participation in the investigation of the sabotage and the identification of those responsible,” she said. .

Flag of Denmark

Denmark will continue to coordinate with the EU and NATO on the Nord Stream issue

Zakharova stressed that Russia only cited facts and direct quotations of statements at the highest and high levels, indicating the interest of a number of foreign states, primarily the United States, in the destruction of gas pipelines, and also generally began to say something about this only after Member of the European Parliament from Poland, former Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, in his social networks, immediately after the discovery of the consequences of the explosions, publicly thanked the United States for what happened on Russian gas pipelines.

According to her, in the United States itself, the voices of experts and representatives of the establishment are heard in favor of the probable involvement of the special services of this country in the committed sabotage. She also noted that in the maritime zone, where the gas pipelines run, the naval forces of the NATO countries.

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The attacks took place on September 26 at once on two Russian export gas pipelines to Europe – Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2. Germany, Denmark and Sweden do not rule out targeted sabotage. Nord Stream AG reported that the state of emergency on gas pipelines is unprecedented and it is impossible to estimate the timing of repairs.

On October 3, Gazprom reported that the pressure in the damaged Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines had stabilized, gas leaks had stopped, and gas was being pumped out of another Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to check its integrity. In turn, the Swedish Coast Guard said that day that a “smaller” leak from Nord Stream 2 was continuing and even increasing slightly.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation initiated the initiation of a case on an act of international terrorism after the damage to the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking about the sabotage on the Nord Stream, said that the Anglo-Saxons are no longer enough sanctions, they have begun to destroy the pan-European energy infrastructure.

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The operation of Nord Stream has been suspended since the end of August due to problems with the repair of Siemens turbines caused by Western sanctions, but the pipeline remained filled with gas. Nord Stream 2, completed in 2021 but never put into operation, has also already been filled with gas.