Zaporozhye authorities expect the IAEA mission to affect Kyiv

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. The Zaporozhye region authorities expect that the IAEA mission, which is due to arrive at the ZNPP this week, will influence the Kyiv regime by examining and evaluating the evidence of its criminal actions. This was stated by the head of the regional administration Yevgeny Balitsky.

Media: experts from the US and UK were not included in the IAEA mission

“We expect that experts (IAEA) will take the opportunity directly on the spot to study and evaluate the evidence of the criminal actions of the Kyiv regime and influence it,” he wrote in the Telegram messenger.

Balitsky stressed that the visit of the IAEA specialists is not beneficial for the Ukrainian side. Kyiv staged shelling of residential areas of Energodar to disrupt the trip of agency experts.

In addition, the attack by Ukrainian troops, according to him, is a revenge “to local residents for collecting signatures under an appeal to the IAEA with a call to influence Kyiv and stop the shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.”

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Balitsky added that the authorities of the region are ready “to provide the IAEA with all the evidence that Ukraine is behaving like a nuclear terrorist state.”

Earlier Monday, Russia’s permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, said that an IAEA mission led by the agency’s director general, Rafael Grossi, was on its way to the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.