Zaporozhye NPP will be transferred under the control of Russian authorities

MOSCOW, 5 Oct – PRIME. The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) will operate under the supervision of relevant Russian departments, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Vershinin said.

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“ZNPP is now located on the territory of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, should work under the guidance of our relevant departments,” he stressed during a press conference.

The diplomat confirmed that IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi would soon visit Moscow to discuss the situation at the Zaporizhzhya NPP and the plant’s safety.

Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the administration of the Zaporozhye region, believes that it is expedient to transfer the object to the subordination of Rosenergoatom, since the Zaporozhye NPP should work. Now the station is subordinate to the Ukrainian company Energoatom and does not produce electricity.

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Zaporozhye NPP is located on the left bank of the Dnieper near the town of Energodar. This is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe in terms of the number of units and installed capacity – the plant has six power units with a capacity of 1 gigawatt each. Since March, it has been guarded by the Russian military to prevent leaks of nuclear and radioactive materials.

The Ukrainian military continues to regularly shell Enerhodar and the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant adjacent to the city.