ZenGo cryptocurrency wallet announces support for Libra test network

ZenGo cryptocurrency wallet announces support for Libra test network

ZenGo cryptocurrency wallet developers have announced that their application now supports the test network of the Libra stablecoin developed by Facebook.

Wallet users will now be able to send and receive Libra in test mode in the same way as other cryptocurrencies supported by ZenGo. At the same time, the developers emphasized that the test network is intended solely for testing and coins do not carry real value.

“If you want to experiment with Libra, you can enable the Libra test network on the Account tab in your wallet. After you enable this feature, make sure you back up your wallet and we will send you your first Libra coins. Facebook is developing its own Calibra wallet, but it is not yet available to the public. In addition, it will be a custodian wallet, that is, Facebook will completely control the funds stored in it. But this is not the only option. That’s why we offer our non-custodian ZenGo wallet for storing Libra. We want people to have a choice, ”said the developers of the program.

ZenGo developers also emphasized that testing Libra involves periodically resetting data on the network, that is, balances and transaction history in the Libra test network will be reset from time to time.

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Note that the ZenGo wallet is available only to users of the iOS mobile operating system. Program users can buy BTC, EH and BNB with credit cards and Apple Pay.

The launch of a mobile wallet took place not so long ago – in early June, ZenGo from Israel released
the first of its kind non-custodian wallet. The development is based on biometrics and distributed key storage and, in theory, is suitable for any assets.