A large Australian supermarket chain IGA began accepting payments in cryptocurrencies

A large Australian supermarket chain IGA began accepting payments in cryptocurrencies

The network of independent retailers IGA, which includes 1,400 stores located throughout Australia, began to accept payments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

According to
Nugget, TravelbyBit co-founder Caleb Yeoh began working with IGA Supermarkets Australia to equip each supermarket with TravelbyBit POS terminals that support payments at BTC, ETH, LTC and BNB. Yeo noted:

“Regardless of whether I buy eggs, milk, fruit or vegetables, I now have the opportunity to pay for my cryptocurrency products. The same goes for any other cryptocurrency owners shopping at IGA. ”

TravelbyBit serves the travel and tourism industry and its mission is to facilitate travel bookings using BTC and other cryptocurrencies. The company also developed POS terminals for merchants who want to accept cryptocurrency. Last fall Binance invested
$ 2.5 million at TravelbyBit to integrate the blockchain-based payment POS system into the world’s largest airports.

More and more companies around the world are starting to accept payments in cryptocurrencies. In early July, Singapore’s leading restaurant chain began
receiving BTC, ETH and CMB. In May, several large US chain stores, including Amazon’s Whole Foods food chain, announced
about the imminent appearance of the possibility of payment for goods with cryptocurrencies.