American analyst accused the United States of putting pressure on the IAEA and the UN

MOSCOW, 11 Sep — PRIME. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern accused the United States of putting pressure on IAEA and UN experts, who, even being under shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, could not say who was shelling the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, RIA Novosti reports.

The head of the IAEA called for an end to all shelling in the area of ​​the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

“As for the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe. Who is shelling it? You have to take it on faith that the Russians are shelling themselves if you think that Russia is shooting at it,” McGovern said, noting that UN experts, the IAEA, even being under fire from shells flying from the other side of the Dnieper, they cannot admit that they are being shelled by Ukraine, which creates a danger to the station.

According to McGovern, a similar situation was observed in Syria a few years ago. At that time, President Bashar al-Assad was accused of carrying out chemical attacks, although, as the analyst emphasizes, studies have confirmed that these attacks never took place, but were staged by the White Helmets and others.

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“We know this, and also that the UN inspectors established this fact, but the people appointed by the United States reversed these conclusions,” McGovern concluded.