Answer given why Turkish Stream’s license was revoked

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — PRIME. The revocation of the license from the Turkish Stream operator will not lead to a shutdown of supplies – its goal is to probe the reaction of Russia. The pipeline will work in any case, but if Europe decides to abandon this gas, another jump in prices and an explosion of discontent is possible, Igor Yushkov, a leading analyst at the National Energy Security Fund (FNEB), told Prime.

Turkish Stream loses export license due to EU sanctions

“We are not talking about cutting off supplies via Turkish Stream,” the specialist notes. “That is, this decision to revoke the export license will limit the ability to purchase equipment and services in Europe. the route is provided by Russian enterprises”. Russian-made Ladoga turbines are installed at the Turkish Stream gas compressor station,” the expert recalled.

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In his opinion, there is an attempt to aggravate the situation even more. Gazprom understands that the license was taken away for a reason, this is also a certain increase in the stakes in the game, an attempt to probe Russia’s reaction,” Yushkov argues.

The Turkish Stream is also important for Europe itself. Half of the capacity of this pipe, 15.75 billion cubic meters, goes to the countries of the south of the region. And if Holland and Germany do not get this gas in any case, its absence will certainly affect the prices for them. Gazprom is re-applying for this license, hoping that common sense and economic calculation will prevail.

“In any case, the gas pipeline will work, at least for Turkey itself. If the Europeans really want to abandon this gas, then, it seems to me, very big discussions will arise within Europe itself. After all, Hungary, for example, is clearly not ready, on the contrary, it played it safe and agreed with Russia that all gas will be supplied through the Turkish Stream as the most reliable route,” Yushkov concluded.

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