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BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error, how to fix

BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error, how to fix

The dreaded BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error is one of the most common that you can find when starting Windows 10. It mostly appears after an operating system update when you try to start your computer. The terrible thing about this error is that it does not allow you to access Windows system even in safe mode. For this reason it is more complex than other blue screen errors reported by Microsoft. But fear not, here you will find the solution.

Possible causes of the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error

The source of the problem can vary a lot, but as the name suggests, it is usually associated with system elements. The most frequent causes can arise from some kind of damage to the hard drive like the RAM card itself.

It is also possible that it is caused by corrupted and deleted system files or their respective log files. The drivers should also be checked as updating or installing new hardware can cause malfunctions. In short, the possible causes of this error are:

  • Device drivers are incorrectly configureddamaged or obsolete.
  • Driver conflict between a newly installed hardware device.
  • Damage to RAM.

It all depends on many factors, be it hardware, drivers, firmware or various programs.

Solutions to the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error

Fortunately there are several solutions without having to format the PC directly which you can resort to. Everyone it can be performed by anyone with a minimum of attention and following the instructions correctly. This is what you can do to fix the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error.

1. Check and repair disk errors

With this option for check for possible damage to the hard drive, you can also repair them. To do this you just have to follow these steps con CHKDSK. Click Start e type “cmd” and press “Enter”. Now type “chkdsk / f” and hit “Enter” again. Follow the commands you see on the screen until finished.

2. Hardware compatibility

If you recently connected a hardware device to your computer, unplug it and see if the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error persists. If so, you’ve encountered a compatibility issue, so you should change the device or check its system.

3. Update the device drivers

Since the error is most likely due to a conflict of drivers, it is best to update them directly. Go to “File Manager” and right click on the driver you want to update, selecting “Update Driver”. With this the specific driver will be updated to the latest version.

4. Last known good configuration

In case this has happened to you for the first time, it can be a good idea return to a previous configuration that does not give you problems. Open the “Start” window and hold down “Shift” and click on “Restart”. A troubleshooting window will open, where advanced options should select “Startup Settings” and then “Restart”. Upon reboot you will see a black screen with options and you should “Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced)” and press “Enter”.

5. Memory Diagnostic Tool

By taking advantage of its own tools Windows offers to detect and fix its errors, this is a great way to isolate the cause of the BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO error. Open “Start”, type “Memory Diagnostics” and then select “Windows Memory Diagnostic”. To finish, click “Restart now and search for the problem (recommended)”

With this, your PC will restart and try to locate the root of the problem which will take a few minutes. In the event of an error being detected, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly. Don’t forget that it is Windows search tool it also works to execute commandsso if there is any error, you should take care of it in priority.

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