How to organize your YouTube subscriptions into categories + Tips and Tricks

Suscripciones de YouTube

How to organize your YouTube subscriptions into categories

How do you manage your YouTube subscriptions? I’m wrong, and the fact is that as I subscribe to new channels, the list grows and it becomes difficult to be aware of everything new that is coming out. The platform also provides limited tools, which are limited to searching, subscribing and unsubscribing, and when you have dozens of channels or more added, tracking properly becomes exponentially complicated.

The problem is that YouTube subscriptions are organized only by news, and when we talk about the world’s TV, a service in which there is everything and in which you will always be interested in following very different things from each other, doing it with the Today’s sole criterion does not always pay off. The manual “alternative” is to go channel by channel seeing what they have released, but this is more tedious if possible.

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Fortunately, there are solutions and the one we propose to you today is one of the most interesting that can be found: an extension for the web browser, which also has mobile applications for Android and iOS, with which organize your YouTube subscriptions in different categories, simplifying navigation a bit the decision of what to see, when what you want is more by themes than by specific channels.

Organize your YouTube subscriptions with PocketTube

PocketTube is an extension compatible with the main web browsers on the market, including Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Firefox, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi … also available as a mobile application for Android and iOS, which allows you to do the same: organize your YouTube subscriptions in custom categories such as “news”, “technology”, “music”, “games”, etc., but that’s up to you

For convenience, however, I recommend you use the browser extension, since its integration with the YouTube site is excellent and since you will not start from scratch, but you will already be subscribed to a multitude of channels, the first ‘great organization’ will be much better with keyboard and mouse (or panel) in hand. In essence, once you have installed the extension you will see:

  • That in the side panel of YouTube, just above the section where your subscriptions are shown, a new one will have appeared whose name cannot be lost: “subscription groups”. There you can quickly create all the categories you want and access the subscriptions of each one in tree mode.
  • That by entering the specific section of subscriptions, the categories that you have created will be displayed at the top, being able to activate or deactivate them, which serves to show only those you want to see.
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youtube subscriptions

And to add the channels to the categories? This in principle is a bit more tedious, since you will have to go one by one: next to the bell, you will see a new icon, click there and choose the category. There is no more … Although in reality there is.

youtube subscriptions

If you are an avid consumer and your YouTube subscriptions number in the hundreds and you keep adding and adding, PocketTube offers extra paid features that you might be interested in. You can see everything in the following video … from YouTube, there was more to go.

Once you have everything organized, the app is a good complement to navigate and see what you want directly on your mobile.