How to make video calls from WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp Web

With restrictions that continue to vary each week, the only way to ensure we see our loved ones seems to have been relegated to video calls. But beyond the dedicated apps, we can now make our video calls through WhatsApp Web, which has finally completed the addition of the already advanced joint functionality with Facebook’s Messenger.

The shortcut will allow group participants to create a messaging room with a custom link that can be shared with others who want to join the call. While users can do this directly from Facebook, the shortcut would allow bring existing WhatsApp conversations and groups directly to Messenger without interruptions. What is not clear is whether it will require the installation of both tools, deriving the calls from one to the other, or if it will be a complete integration.

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Thus, it should be noted that these video calls They cannot be done without linking our account with the Messenger Rooms application, unlike the mobile application. That is why Facebook has also wanted to emphasize that, although the conversations do not have the end-to-end encryption of WhatsApp, the application does not expose the privacy of user data.

How to make video calls from WhatsApp Web?

As simple as performing any other daily action of the application, we will only have to follow the steps below to, within a minute or two, start chatting with loved ones or create “small” business meetings of up to 50 people:

  1. First of all, it will obviously be to log into WhatsApp Web, synchronizing our phone through the QR code (or the new available methods).
  2. From here, we will select the options menu located in the upper left, next to our profile image, and with the three dots icon.
  3. Within this drop-down, we will select the option “Create a room”, and click on the button “Ir a Messenger”.
    • In the event that we do not have the Messenger account already linked, we must log in to the new pop-up page using our Facebook credentials (or create an account if we do not have one). Once linked, we can close this tab, repeating the process up to this point.
  4. Finally, we will only have to choose our credentials to show (by default established with the photo and name of Facebook, not WhatsApp) and invite participants with the link provided by the application.
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In addition, unlike other dedicated applications, in this case we will not have any type of time restriction, being able to extend our video calls as much as we want without risk of inopportune disconnections.