Bangladesh will overcome energy crisis, PM says

MOSCOW, 19 Oct – PRIME. Bangladesh will be able to overcome the energy crisis as well as the coronavirus pandemic, Bangladesh Premier Sheikh Hasina said.

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The solemn ceremony dedicated to the passage of one of the key stages of construction with the participation of Russia of power unit No. 2 of the first Rooppur nuclear power plant in Bangladesh – the installation of a nuclear reactor vessel at the workplace, is taking place at the site of the future nuclear power plant on Wednesday.

Rooppur is a nuclear power plant under construction according to the Russian AES-2006 project. The selected site for the construction of the station is located on the eastern bank of the Padma River, 160 kilometers from the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka.

“We kept our promise. We were able to provide electricity to every house in Bangladesh. And we managed to light up Bangladesh,” she said at the installation ceremony of the reactor vessel at power unit No. 2 of the Rooppur nuclear power plant, adding that the country’s authorities are striving to provide electricity to everyone.

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The Bangladesh government has introduced austerity in some areas, but that doesn’t mean residents won’t get electricity, the chairman of the Bangladesh cabinet said.

“People get electricity and it will continue, but we all have to maintain austerity… We have to do it under the circumstances,” said Hasina, whose speech was broadcast by local TV channels.