Cisco cannot easily return to the Russian market, consider in the Ministry of Industry and Trade

MOSCOW, 19 Oct – PRIME. Russia should form a request for electronics with domestic software, not allow an easy return to the same niche of foreign companies that left the country, in particular, Cisco. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak.

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In June, Cisco announced that it had begun a gradual exit from the markets of Russia and Belarus. The company at the same time planned to keep in touch with partners and customers to resolve financial issues, including the return of funds for prepaid services and software. Later, the Izvestia newspaper, citing sources in the communications market, wrote that Cisco could resume deliveries to Russia through an intermediary; IBS can become a distributor.

“There will be no return. Although our partners, respected in quotation marks, are constantly pushing us towards this. Not so long ago, the Americans withdrew telecommunications equipment from sanctions, and today it has been reported in the media that Cisco is going to return to our market. Most importantly, so that we ourselves understand that this company should not be allowed to easily return to the same niche that it vacated,” Shpak said during a speech at the Cifrotech forum.

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Russia, he said, must itself form a request for that electronics, Russian electronics with its own software, which should become the basis of technological independence, and this niche should be occupied by domestic manufacturers.