Basic technology is one of the basic criteria of the CCID report

The new monthly report of the Chinese Center for Information and Industry Development (CCID) was published, and the EOS was ranked first. The ranking includes 35 cryptocurrencies, evaluated on the basis of three parameters: basic technology, applicability and creativity.

Compared to the previous edition, Bitcoin retained its 11th position, while Tron replaced Ethereum in the second position. In the top ten are also ranked Steem, NEO and Stellar, who managed to beat Bitcoin. Qutum (QTUM) rose 18th to 8th, Lisk (LSK) 14th to 7th and Dash (DASH) 21st to 17th. XRP advanced ten places, from 30th to 20th.

Evaluation criterias

CCID classifies cryptocurrencies according to the basic technology (64% weight), applicability (20%) and creativity (16%).

The core technology refers to the functionality, performance, security and degree of decentralization of the blockchain.

Applicability focuses on node development, portfolio development, developer support and application deployment.

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Creativity focuses on continuous innovation, the impact of the code and its updates.

EOS retains its leading position

The EOS cryptocurrency ranked first near the launch of the classification. In recent months, a number of important news items have helped maintain its position. The US SEC authority said that EOS is a utility token, not security. Block.One CTO Daniel Larimer has announced a number of proposals for the 3.0 governance system. Also, a new book (in both Italian and English) about the EOS blockchain was recently published.