Belarus, together with a company from Tatarstan, will create its own technopark

MINSK, 22 Sep — PRIME. Belarus wants to attract a company from Tatarstan to create a technopark in the Brest region, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said.

The Prime Minister of Belarus assessed the impact of sanctions on cooperation with Russia

On September 20-22, a Belarusian delegation headed by the Prime Minister is paying a working visit to Ufa and Kazan.

“We are currently working on such a pilot project in Baranovichi (Brest region). We are talking with Tatarstan about attracting a management company that has experience in working in such industrial zones with a special regime … And this is also a commercial project. To properly develop it “This should be done not by officials, but by people who have experience in this. And the state, for its part, will provide all assistance in terms of capital investments. We also talked about this yesterday. Most likely, one of the Tatarstan companies that has experience will deal with the implementation of such a project in Belarus,” Belta quoted Golovchenko as saying.

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According to him, the stage of collecting data to finalize the relevant regulatory framework for the implementation of the project is currently underway. “Tatarstan has gone further in this matter, we drew attention to this during last year’s visit. In fact, this idea was even spied on somewhere,” the prime minister said.

He stressed that in Belarus there is a great need to involve small and medium-sized businesses, their integration into production chains. “The task is for the state or someone authorized by the state to invest in infrastructure and provide such entrepreneurs with a ready-made production site according to the principle: in three days you drive in, sign all the documents, install the equipment and start working,” Golovchenko added.

A new stage in the expansion of Western sanctions against Belarus occurred due to Minsk’s support for the Russian military special operation to demilitarize Ukraine, which began on February 24. Western countries have also imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation because of Ukraine. This situation gave impetus to the economic integration of Minsk and Moscow, the intensification of trade cooperation, the development and adoption of joint measures for import substitution. Minsk believes that it is necessary to involve small and medium-sized businesses in production chains with large enterprises, which can also produce import-substituting products and components.

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