Bitcoin Cash support added to HTC Exodus blockchain smartphone

Bitcoin Cash support added to HTC Exodus blockchain smartphone

HTC has announced its partnership with, in which the company will add support for Bitcoin Cash to its Exodus 1 blockchain smartphone.

A pre-installed wallet will appear in blockchain smartphones, which will be included in the Exodus 1 software update. Through, it will also be possible to purchase Exodus 1 and all subsequent versions of the device.

In a statement, HTC CEO for decentralization, Phil Chen, called this collaboration a “natural step” for a blockchain smartphone:

“The Zion Vault wallet app will support BCH at the hardware level, so transaction security will be inextricably linked to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain, which acts as an alternative to the dominant payment methods and platforms.”

Previously, the blockchain smartphone only supported BTC and ETH, however, thanks to the partnership, Zion Vault will also be able to protect transfers in BCH by signing transactions. In addition, in May it was reported that the option of swaps between cryptocurrencies was added to the Exodus 1 blockchain smartphone.

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In an attempt to capture a large share of the market, HTC announced that it will release a second-generation smartphone based on blockchain in the second half of 2019. Earlier, there was also information that a decentralized Brave browser will be installed in the Exodus blockchain smartphone.