Bloomberg estimated the volume of oil supplies from Iran in the event of a JCPOA

MOSCOW, 29 Aug – PRIME. Tehran is ready to supply about 93 million barrels of oil to the world market if a Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA) is signed, Bloomberg reports.

Oil prices remain in the “green” zone on expectations of supply cuts

According to the agency, about 93 million barrels of crude oil are stored on Iranian tankers in the waters of the Persian Gulf and Singapore, as well as near China. It is noted that such a volume can be put on the market immediately after the signing of the JCPOA agreement.

On August 22, Iran sent the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, its response on the proposed text of the draft agreement on the restoration of the Iranian nuclear deal, and also expressed its opinion on “remaining issues” in the negotiations. The EU called Iran’s response to the nuclear deal proposal constructive and said it was consulting with the United States on further steps. On August 24, the Iranian side received a response from the United States. Consideration of the comments of the US government has been going on for several days.

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In 2015, the United Kingdom, Germany, China, Russia, the United States, France and Iran concluded a nuclear deal – a JCPOA on the Iranian nuclear program, which involved the lifting of sanctions in exchange for limiting Iran’s nuclear program. In May 2018, the United States under Donald Trump withdrew from the JCPOA and reinstated sanctions against Tehran. In response, Iran announced a phased reduction in its obligations under the agreement, waiving restrictions on nuclear research, centrifuges and the level of uranium enrichment.

Negotiations were held in Vienna to renew the JCPOA and lift Washington’s sanctions against Tehran. In December 2021, the parties reached an agreement on two draft agreements, in which the European side included the positions of Iran. Iranian spokesman Bagheri Kyani said the talks were going well, but US State Department spokesman Ned Price assessed the progress in Vienna as modest, urging Tehran to take the issue seriously. With the return of the parties to their capitals at the end of March, the negotiations were suspended. The Iranian Foreign Ministry blamed the US administration for this. The next round of negotiations on the JCPOA took place in Doha on June 29-30.

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