Brussels has a chance to review sanctions against Russia, says Orban

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — PRIME. The European Union has the opportunity to revise sanctions against Russia in the fall and thus correct its mistakes, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said.

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“Sanctions were introduced not for an unlimited time, but for six months, that is, they need to be updated every six months. And since they need to be updated, Brussels politicians have the opportunity to correct mistakes and conduct an audit,” he said on Kossuth radio.

According to the Hungarian prime minister, October and the following months will be a kind of “watershed” in this respect.

His political adviser, Balazs Orban, has previously said that the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions fell short of expectations and are likely to be revised in the new political season. The representative of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Tamas Menzer, also noted that a revision of the EU sanctions policy can be expected in the fall, since with the onset of cold weather, “reality is knocking on every door” in Western Europe.

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According to the representative of the Hungarian government, Alexandra Sentkiraja, European sanctions are a weapon that fired in the opposite direction, as a result of which the EU became poorer and Russia richer. According to a poll by the Szazadveg Public Opinion Research Center, more than 70% of Hungarians believe that anti-Russian sanctions harm Europe, including Hungary. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó said the EU sanctions strategy had “completely failed”.