Chernyshenko announced the need to change plans for the development of the communications industry

SOCHI, 25 Oct — PRIME. Russia retains plans for the development of the communications industry, but they must be promptly adjusted to work in the new conditions, the key task is to ensure the independence of key elements of the industry from imports, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, speaking at the opening of the Spektr-2022 forum.

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“Special attention is required to the quality of communication services provided to citizens, including the formation and implementation of standards and control of their quality. We do not refuse plans, while we understand that flexible and prompt adjustments are now needed, including in the field of regulation, aimed at removing administrative barriers and restrictions for working in the new conditions,” he said.

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Chernyshenko recalled that the communications industry is now one of the main engines of the Russian economy and acts as “the core of the country’s technological sovereignty.” “The key task, which must be implemented in the shortest possible time, is to make all its elements import-independent,” the vice premier emphasized.

He said that for long-term planning of the development of the information infrastructure of the state, all interested ministries and departments, state authorities and industry associations were instructed to work out plans for the development of the communications industry in a number of key areas. Among them are strategically important technologies; development of a long-term frequency plan in relation to the selected technologies and the international distribution of the spectrum in order to concentrate efforts on the creation of domestic equipment; development and creation of trusted equipment and software for communication networks; as well as the development and creation of a domestic electronic component base for communication equipment.

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“Our focus is still on the development of promising technologies: testing of 5G networks, research in the field of 6G networks, quantum communications, hybrid communications networks,” Chernyshenko added.