China urges US to stop stealing Syrian oil

MOSCOW, August 30 – PRIME. The US must end its illegal presence in Syria and stop stealing oil and food from residents, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said.

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Earlier, the Syrian state agency SANA, citing sources in the province of Al-Hasek, reported that on August 21, the United States exported 137 tankers of oil from Syria to Iraq. Prior to this, it was reported that the United States took out almost 400 tankers with oil in a few days.

“Against the backdrop of the Syrian crisis, which has dragged on for more than 10 years, and the grave humanitarian crisis facing the Syrian people, the volume and scope of the US pillage of Syria by the United States is shocking,” a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said.

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He added that the robbery of the poorest country by the richest is the greatest injustice.

The diplomat noted that the United States still controls the natural resources of Syria, inflicts airstrikes on the country’s territory, violating its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In addition, Zhao Lijian stressed that Washington has imposed harsh economic sanctions on Syria, which makes it difficult for the Syrian people to provide for basic needs, and the process of economic development and reconstruction of the country is facing many difficulties.

“The United States should seriously think about its own war crimes, stop its illegal presence in Syria, stop illegal military activities, end unilateral sanctions against Syria, and stop stealing oil and food from Syria,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said.