Cisco and SingularityNET will transfer artificial intelligence to blockchain

Cisco and SingularityNET will transfer artificial intelligence to blockchain

Cisco’s major communications equipment maker is partnering with startup SingulatiryNET to develop Blockchain-based Strong Artificial Intelligence (AGI).

It is assumed that artificial intelligence will be able to gain self-awareness and the ability to think. That is, if a regular AI can recognize characters in a book, then AGI will be able to write the work itself. SingularityNET CEO Ben Goertzel said:

“The scale of system deployments for AGI that a company like Cisco needs will be huge. And we will make every effort to ensure that our AGI development tools and our blockchain platform meet the task. ”

According to the CEO of SingularityNET, for the past 10 years, the world will see AGI with a level of intelligence higher than that of people. He also noted that cooperation with Cisco and the volume of work provide a significant impetus for the development of the company.

“We have already worked with Cisco to analyze traffic using the OpenCog logic tool and deep neural networks, but that was only the beginning. I can only say that we have much broader plans, ”Goertzel said.

Recall that in February of this year, Cisco opened a technology center to study blockchain, the Internet of things and cybersecurity in Singapore.