CNN: Investigation of the emergency at Nord Stream may begin on October 2

MOSCOW, 29 Sep — PRIME. An investigation into the accident at the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines may begin on October 2, CNN reported, citing a source.

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“One European official said the Danish government was assessing what happened and it would take up to two weeks to properly launch an investigation because the pressure in the pipelines made it difficult to get close to the leaks, but another person with knowledge said the investigation could start on Sunday,” the TV channel reported, adding that Denmark and Sweden are currently investigating the circumstances of the incident.

Earlier Monday, the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines leaked near the island of Bornholm, Danish and Swedish authorities reported. Berlin and Copenhagen did not rule out targeted sabotage.

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The Russian side officially requested information from Denmark about the emergency at Nord Stream as soon as the incident became known. The Danish authorities notified Russia of the explosions at the site of the gas leak. The operator of Nord Stream, Nord Stream AG, reported that the state of emergency on gas pipelines was unprecedented, and it was impossible to estimate the timing of repairs.