Unipro approved a new ESG strategy until 2060

MOSCOW, 29 Sep — PRIME. The Unipro Board of Directors has approved a new ESG strategy for the period up to 2060, the company said.

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The principles of ESG (environmental, social, governance), or the principles of sustainable development, are environmental, social and managerial responsibility. When following these principles, a business or government considers environmental (for example, impact on the atmosphere and waste management), social (for example, labor protection and employee turnover) and managerial (for example, risk management and information transparency) factors when making decisions.

“At the meeting of the Board of Directors of Unipro on September 28, 2022, the ESG strategy of Unipro for the period up to 2060 was approved. The document provides for the development of Unipro in the long term through consistent improvement in all three areas – environmental (E), social (S ) and managerial (G),” the statement reads.

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In particular, it is noted that Unipro intends to carry out work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, emissions of methane and nitrogen oxides, implement projects to reduce the risks of accidents with serious environmental consequences and create conditions for the transition to climate neutrality by 2060.

In September 2021, a sustainable development committee was established at Unipro, the main tasks of which were to participate in the formation of strategic goals aimed at developing in the long term in the field of sustainable development, including environmental, social and governance issues, as well as monitoring compliance with the principles ESG and providing advice to the board of directors on sustainability issues.

“Unipro” is engaged in the production and sale of electrical energy and capacity. The company includes 5 thermal power plants with a total capacity of 11.3 GW. The company is also represented in the markets of distributed generation and engineering in the Russian Federation. 83.73% of Unipro shares belong to the international energy concern Uniper SE.

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