Deloitte Luxembourg branch tests Bitcoin employee lunch payment

Deloitte Luxembourg branch tests Bitcoin employee lunch payment

The division of the large audit firm Deloitte in Luxembourg is testing the possibility of paying for meals for company employees in bitcoin.

To this end, Deloitte has launched limited features of the BitPay service for its employees. Similar payments in Bitcoin were available back in 2017 at one of the company’s offices in Toronto.

“We believe this is a good opportunity for our employees to evaluate the potential of the technology,” said Laurent Collet, Deloitte Strategic Regulatory and Corporate Finance Partner in Luxembourg.

He added that the company has no plans to make Bitcoin payments available to its customers. On the other hand, the Luxembourg branch of PwC, a competitor to Deloitte, will start accepting payments to BTC from its customers on October 1.

Recall that in February, an audit firm tested a blockchain project for supply chain management, and in November last year it became known that Deloitte and Attest are developing an identification system on the blockchain.