Denmark to introduce ceiling on electricity and gas prices

MOSCOW, 14 Sep — PRIME. The Danish government plans to limit prices for electricity, gas and heating to support the population against the backdrop of the energy crisis, the Danish television channel TV2 reported.

The EU authorities recommended to withdraw excess profits of energy companies

“But we can’t just stand by and see that there are Danes who won’t be able to afford electricity or heating this winter,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said on the channel.

As specified, the support measure will be aimed primarily at low-income citizens. It will allow consumers to pay for services at prices last autumn. The rest of the receipts can be paid later, including by taking installments for several years.

According to estimates, the initiative will cost the Danish government 45 billion Danish kroner (more than six billion dollars).

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Western countries have introduced tough restrictive measures against Russia in connection with a special operation in Ukraine. The sanctions also affected the energy sector. Against this backdrop, Europe is faced with an intensifying energy crisis, rising fuel prices and a shortage of raw materials.

Earlier, the State Secretary of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry for Bilateral Relations, Tamas Menzer, said that the EU could revise its sanctions policy in the fall amid cold weather and rising fuel prices.