Diesel fuel in early October again rose in price at gas stations in Moscow

MOSCOW, 10 Oct – PRIME. The average price of diesel fuel at Moscow gas stations for the week from October 3 to October 10 increased by 3 kopecks, to 54.52 rubles per liter, after a decrease a week earlier, follows from the data of the Moscow Fuel Association (MTA).

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The average cost of gasoline AI-92 and AI-95 did not change over the week, remained at the level of 47.86 and 53.09 rubles per liter, respectively. The price of AI-100 gasoline increased by 10 kopecks and amounted to 62.55 rubles.

During the week from September 26 to October 3, all main types of fuel at gas stations in Moscow became cheaper, the price of AI-100 gasoline fell the most.

Diesel fuel for the week from October 3 to 10 rose in price at Teboil and Rosneft gas stations, gasoline – only at Rosneft.

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The cost of fuel in Moscow has stabilized and even began to decline slightly in early March. Prior to that, gasoline prices at Moscow filling stations began to rise noticeably in 2020, while diesel fuel has risen in price since mid-January 2021. This happened after the rapid growth of wholesale prices on the stock exchange. Last summer, the rate of growth in fuel prices accelerated so much that measures to contain them were discussed, up to a ban on exports and an agreement with oil companies, but they were not taken.