During its existence, WikiLeaks received more than $ 46 million in BTC

During its existence, WikiLeaks received more than $ 46 million in BTC

Based on the number of coins transferred to the known addresses of the WikiLeaks wallets, during its existence, the organization received more than $ 46 million in BTC.

One of the Reddit users under the nickname Boredguy32 suggested that WikiLeaks could get about 4,054 BTC in total (approximately $ 46.2 million). At the same time, a significant part of the funds could be received as donations sent by people to support the activities of WikiLeaks.

It is not known how much BTC the organization owns at the moment. Given the nature of the operations of WikiLeaks, there may have been significant outflows of funds that covered legal fees and supported the conditions necessary for the operation. In addition, WikiLeaks could move part of the funds received to unknown addresses of the wallets.

According to Reddit, WikiLeaks changed wallets in 2018, but analyzing both wallets provides a complete picture of how many bitcoins the organization has received over the years. WikiLeaks created its first wallet in the middle of June 2011, but could start using Bitcoin much earlier.

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Note that, according to some forecasts, by 2020 the price of bitcoin will be from $ 28,000 to $ 55,000, and in this case, the project may be a very impressive state. In the fall of 2017, Julian Assange already “thanked” the US government for the increase in Bitcoin savings 50 times.

Then the founder of Wikileaks said on his Twitter account that, due to the persecution of Wikileaks by the US government and financial institutions, the organization was forced to switch to Bitcoin. In his publication, Assange noted that Wikileaks savings in cryptocurrency increased by more than 50,000%.