Egyptian expert predicted chaos for the European Union due to gas problems

CAIRO, Sep 29 – PRIME. The European Union is in danger of chaos, which will lead to increased protests due to growing problems with providing the population with gas, especially because of the incidents at the Nord Stream, Ahmad Mustafa, director of the Asian Research Center based in Cairo, told RIA Novosti.

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Earlier, former Polish Foreign Minister Radoslav Sikorski commented on the damage to gas pipelines in social networks: “A trifle, but nice. Thank you, USA,” under a picture from the accident site, without specifying what is meant. He then posted on his profile a quote from US President Joe Biden, who threatened to destroy the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

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“The former head of the Polish Foreign Ministry should be ashamed of such statements, they must be investigated. In addition, the question arises of the degree of involvement of Poland and the United States in this criminal offense,” Mustafa said.


The expert believes that the EU is now in an “extremely unpleasant position.” “The EU countries did not keep the promises given to voters regarding the provision of cheap energy sources as an alternative to Russian gas, numerous protests and the anger of the people are proof of this,” he said. According to him, the situation is extremely beneficial for the world’s energy companies, and the situation will especially escalate in October with the start of the heating season.

Gas pipeline construction

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“With the almost complete absence of energy sources … the number of unemployed, the poor will inevitably grow, protests will intensify, right-wing extremists and nationalists will come to the fore, as a result, this will lead to chaos,” the expert noted.


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“If the Russian Federation wins, Ukraine will be pressured by the EU countries in order to seat Kyiv at the negotiating table, and there may also be talk of removing (Vladimir) Zelensky or he will flee to Europe or the United States,” the expert said. In his opinion, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine can take the place of Zelensky.

“In my opinion, everything will be decided in October – the last month for Zelensky before the G20 summit in Bali,” Mustafa said.

Flags with the symbols of the European Union near the building of the European Commission

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According to the interlocutor of the agency, European countries may look to Egypt and Algeria as sources of gas instead of Russian. “This choice is due to the conflict between Israel and the Lebanese Hezbollah regarding the demarcation of maritime borders and the situation around the Karish field,” the expert explained.

Israel in June urged the Lebanese authorities to expedite negotiations on the maritime border, called the Karish field its strategic asset and assured that it did not intend to produce gas in the disputed territory. During the negotiations, the Lebanese side previously announced a new line, which increases the area of ​​the disputed water area by 1,420 square kilometers and captures part of the Israeli Karish field.

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