Peskov said that the West is to blame for the suspension of the Nord Stream

MOSCOW, September 5 – PRIME. The situation with the suspension of gas transit through the Nord Stream is connected exclusively with sanctions, there are no other problems, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Peskov spoke about the response to the ceiling of prices for Russian oil

“You know that problems with pumping (through Nord Stream) arose due to the sanctions imposed against our country and against a number of companies by Western states, including Germany and the UK. There are no other reasons that would lead to problems with pumping. exists,” he told reporters.

The press secretary of the President of Russia also noted that there was only one working unit left on the pipeline, its breakdown leads to a halt in the pumping of “blue fuel”.

“Given that the sanctions continue to work, given that they bring absolute confusion – legal, practical, into what is connected with the maintenance of all units, for now, the only thing we can hope for this only unit is that it will somehow be possible to put it in order “, Peskov stressed.

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According to him, because of the sanctions, the possibility of reserving the unit has disappeared, and it needs serious maintenance.

In addition, Peskov pointed out that the West is trying to put the blame for stopping Nord Stream on Russia.

“We categorically reject these attempts and we insist that the collective West, in this case the European Union, Canada, the United Kingdom, is to blame for the fact that the situation has reached the point where it is now,” the Kremlin spokesman said. .

Russia, Peskov noted, does not do this “unfounded”, but “appeals to specific facts” regarding specific turbines that are being repaired, that are being transported, and so on.