Europe advised to raise taxes for the rich instead of limiting gas prices

MOSCOW, 5 Oct — PRIME. To help the most vulnerable categories of the population of the EU countries, one should not introduce a gas price ceiling, but raise taxes for rich people, advised Shell CEO Ben Van Beurden. His words are quoted by Reuters.

Politico: EU agrees new package of sanctions, including oil price ceiling

He believes that government intervention in the gas market is “necessary.” “The state needs to support those in need, and that will need to tax the people in this room” to find the funds to do so, Burden added. Later, Shell noted that the head of the company had in mind not individual wealthy people, but corporations.

The head of Shell warned that state intervention in gas markets is not an easy prospect, and radical changes are unlikely to follow. He also criticized the idea of ​​imposing a price cap on Russian oil, saying it would be a “real problem” in terms of implementation.

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At the same time, earlier on Tuesday, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy Ben Harris said that new G7 sanctions against Russia, affecting oil and oil products, would be introduced in three stages. In particular, he noted that the sanctions, which will target Russian oil, should come into force on December 5. At the same time, Harris said that the decision on the price as part of the introduction of restrictions on the cost of oil from Russia has not yet been made in the context of the new sanctions of the G7 countries, but the ceiling will be quite high.