European Commission Discusses Crypto Asset Regulation Rules

European Commission Discusses Crypto Asset Regulation Rules

The Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Euro and Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis said that the organization plans to introduce new rules for regulating cryptocurrencies.

“Europe needs a common approach to crypto assets like Libra. I am going to propose new legal standards for such companies, ”he said.

Also, the former Prime Minister of Latvia noted that the European Union must deal with the problems of “unfair competition, cybersecurity and threats to financial stability” in the cryptocurrency industry.

European authorities have already launched an investigation into the “unfair competition” regarding the Libra project. The EU antitrust regulator checks the possibility of monopolization of the market and the fact that Libra will illegally close competing systems.

In September, French Finance Minister Bruno le Mayor once again called
The European Union will block the development of the Libra project. He called Libra a threat to sovereignty for European countries.