Europe’s wind generation has plummeted

MOSCOW, 26 Sep — PRIME. Europe’s wind power production fell sharply last week, according to data from WindEurope.

The Russian Energy Agency predicts an increase in gas exports

According to the information, the indicator fell by 7.36 percentage points – up to 9.99 percent in the total volume of electricity generation. Most of the week it was at the level of 7-8 percent and only by the end it grew to 10-14 percent.

At the same time, gas is being pumped into European underground storage facilities. According to Gas Infrastructure Europe, at the end of the gas day on September 24, UGS facilities were filled to 87.41 percent, an increase over the day amounted to 0.3 percentage points. In general, about 94.57 billion cubic meters of gas have now accumulated in EU storage facilities.

At the same time, the pumping of Russian fuel is carried out in a limited mode. Applications for transit through Ukraine as of September 26 still amounted to 42.4 million cubic meters, deliveries go only through the Sudzha GIS.

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The Nord Stream gas pipeline has suspended operation since the end of August due to a malfunction at the only working unit of the Portovaya station.