Experts: millions of Italians are at risk of energy poverty

ROME, Sep 3 – PRIME. Over 9 million Italians or 4 million families are at risk of energy poverty, according to the estimates of the Venetian association General Italian Confederation of Craftsmen (CGIA).

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She analyzed “alarming data from the latest 2021 National Energy Poverty Monitor (Oipe) report, warning that they do not account for the recent ‘energy shock’.

Under energy poverty, the document says, CGIA understands the state in which “households do not have the opportunity to regularly use the heating system in the winter, the cooling system in the summer and, due to the difficult economic situation, do not have or occasionally use household appliances with high energy consumption.”

The description of the typical “energy vulnerable” includes families with many children “living in poorly maintained housing, with a young head of the family, often unemployed and/or an immigrant.”

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Geographically, energy poverty is more severe in the southern regions of Italy, affecting between 24% and 36% of families. Campania, Sicily and Calabria stand out among them, where the number of families that do not use electricity and gas all the time is in the hundreds of thousands.

In a broad sense, energy poverty is a situation in which electricity and gas bills are too high for consumers. It combines low incomes, low energy efficiency and high energy costs.