Firewood prices in Germany rose by more than 85% in a year

MOSCOW, 22 Sep — PRIME. Prices for firewood and wood pellets in Germany in August 2022 increased by 85.7% compared to the same month last year, the German statistical office Destatis reported.

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“Prices for firewood and wood pellets in August 2022 increased by 85.7% compared to the same month of the previous year and thus significantly exceeded the increase in consumer prices in general,” the report says.

It is specified that consumer prices for the same period increased by 7.9%.

“The reasons for the above-average price increase for firewood and wood pellets are, in addition to increased demand, also an increase in purchasing and transport costs in the woodworking industry,” the ministry explained.

It is noted that more people in Germany are turning to firewood as an alternative way to heat their homes amid rising gas, oil and electricity prices.

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