French PM vows to prevent ‘explosion’ in electricity prices

PARIS, 27 Aug – PRIME. French Prime Minister Elisabeth Born vowed to prevent an “explosion” in electricity prices in the country.

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“We will maintain mechanisms to mitigate energy price increases. In addition, we will take specific measures to protect the most vulnerable segments of the population. The French can be calm: we will mitigate this growth and not allow an “explosion” in electricity prices,” Born said in an interview. newspaper Parisien.

At the same time, she noted that the authorities do not intend to control how the French save energy at home, but as for companies, a number of restrictions will be introduced.

Thus, the decrees that are under consideration relate to the prohibition of illuminated advertising at night and the need to close the doors when the air conditioner is on or the heating is on.

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It was previously reported that the wholesale price of electricity in France will reach a record high in 2023, exceeding the mark of 1,000 euros per megawatt-hour, which is 1,000% more than a year earlier.

At the same time, French President Emmanuel Macron has recently assured that everything will be in order with gas in France in the coming winter.