Gazprom fears disruption of equipment supplies due to sanctions

KAZAN, 31 Aug – PRIME. Under the sanctions, Gazprom is facing disruptions in the supply of foreign equipment due to problems with the so-called imports of the second or third level, when the absence of even an insignificant element of equipment affects the entire supply, said Oleg Aksyutin, deputy chairman of the company’s board.

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“As part of the work that we have been carrying out over the past six months, and the projects that we are currently implementing in the east, and in Yamal, and in the central part, we are faced with the so-called import of the second or third level, when certain disruptions occur in When 99% – 1% is ready, the absence of some foreign element affects the supply of all equipment,” Aksyutin said during the Supplier Day of Gazprom PJSC as part of the Tatarstan Petrochemical Forum.

According to him, this is a certain challenge, in general, the issue of import substitution before February and after February are two completely different tasks.

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At the same time, Aksyutin noted that such fundamental and important elements of creating Gazprom facilities as a pipe (up to a large diameter), gas pumping units, many systems, they are today 100% replaced by domestic ones.