Gazprom shareholders approved record dividends for the first half of the year

MOSCOW, 30 Sep — PRIME. At an extraordinary meeting, Gazprom shareholders approved the payment of record dividends in the amount of 51.03 rubles per share for the first half of 2022, the company said.

The decision was made by a majority vote, the statement said.

Shares of “Gazprom” jumped by five percent after the announcement of dividends

The meeting of shareholders of Gazprom approved the amount of interim dividends recommended by the Board of Directors for the first half of 2022 – 51.03 rubles per share. The company pays interim dividends for the first time in its history.

The total amount of dividend payments will amount to 1 trillion 208 billion rubles – 50% of Gazprom’s adjusted net profit for January-June of this year. This is a record high dividend in the history of the company and the entire Russian stock market. The register of shareholders for dividends will close on October 11.

For comparison, at the end of 2020, Gazprom paid dividends in the amount of 12.55 rubles per share, a total of 297.1 billion rubles (50% of IFRS adjusted net profit for 2020).

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At the end of May, the board of directors recommended paying record dividends for 2021 in the amount of 52.53 rubles per share. However, shareholders decided at the end of June that it was not advisable to pay dividends in the current conditions. The total amount of dividend payments could amount to 1 trillion 243.57 billion rubles.

The share of Gazprom, controlled by the Russian Federation, is 50.23%. The largest holder, according to the latest disclosed data – as of December 31, 2021, was the Federal Property Management Agency with a share of 38.37% of the company’s shares, while Rosneftegaz and Rosgazifikatsiya had 10.97% and 0.89%, respectively. Gazprom’s ADR holders accounted for 16.16% of the shares, and another 33.61% belonged to other registered persons.